Academic Integrity

Colorado Community Colleges Online
Student Tutorial

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Students enrolled in classes offered by the Colorado Community Colleges Online (CCCOnline) are bound by the home college's Student Handbook AND the CCCOnline Student Handbook. Faculty are required to uphold the academic integrity of the profession of education by enforcing the policy and procedures of academic integrity with students and in their practice as academic professionals.

Academic Integrity Policy

CCCOnline students will demonstrate academic integrity in all courses. Students will complete coursework and participate in courses with honesty by never sharing login information (S-Number), by always submitting original coursework, by not receiving unauthorized assistance with coursework, and by giving credit to others in coursework when appropriate to do so.

Violation Procedures

Instructors follow specific procedures for addressing student violations of the Academic Integrity Policy:

What About Faculty and the Integrity of the Profession?

Though there is no specific policy regarding faculty integrity in courses, all faculty are expected to uphold the academic integrity of their profession and organization. Not sharing login information, avoiding plagiarism, and other activities that promote academic integrity in course instruction are ways in which faculty set a positive example for students and maintain integrity in the profession of education.

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