Students enrolled in classes offered by the Colorado Community Colleges Online (CCCOnline) are bound by the home college's Student Handbook AND the CCCOnline Student Handbook.
CCCOnline students will demonstrate academic integrity in all courses. Students will complete coursework and participate in courses with honesty by never sharing login information (S-Number), by always submitting original coursework, by not receiving unauthorized assistance with coursework, and by giving credit to others in coursework when appropriate to do so.
Instructors follow specific procedures for addressing student violations of the Academic Integrity Policy:
- First Violation: A student may receive an F or zero for coursework related to a violation. Instructor documents violation, communicates with student, and may notify the CCCOnline Division Chair.
- Second/Subsequent Offenses: Instructor notifies student and documents violation. Student receives an F or zero for the coursework related to a violation. Student may also receive an F for the course. CCCOnline Division Chair is notified of violation. Student's home college may be notified by the CCCOnline Dean of Student Services. Student may incur further academic consequences as directed by the policies of their home college.
Source: Student Handbook - Academic Integrity chapter.
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