Academic Integrity

Colorado Community Colleges Online
Student Tutorial

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The Inspiring Friend!

Girl Typing on computer c. Ed Yourdon ( is completing a course her friend Regina completed last term. Heather has a different instructor, but the project instructions are similar. Regina earned a high grade on the project and gives it to Heather to review. Heather is excited because Regina's project inspires her! However, Heather is struggling to write her project.

Which option could Heather choose to maintain academic integrity?

Click the options below and consider the feedback.

Option 1: Rewrite the project in her own words

Exclamation  PointWhoa! To rewrite the project and provide no attribution to the source violates academic integrity!

This option is plagiarism, receiving unauthorized assistance, and submitting coursework completed by another.

TIP! (light bulb)The citation format for coursework depends on the citation style used. Two of the most common citation styles are MLA and APA. Ask your instructor if you are unsure which citation style to use in coursework.

Option 2: Use parts of the project and cite her friend

Yes! This is an acceptable option if Heather cites Regina's project as the source.

To maintain academic integrity, Heather must cite each quote, summary, and paraphrase and include Regina's coursework in the list of sources for the project.

TIP! (light bulb)The citation format for coursework depends on the citation style used. Two of the most common citation styles are MLA and APA. Ask your instructor if you are unsure which citation style to use in coursework.

Option 3: Revise parts the project and submit as original coursework

Exclamation  PointWhoa! Even with revisions, the submission is not original coursework and submitting it as such would violate academic integrity.

This option is plagiarism, receiving unauthorized assistance, and submitting coursework completed by another.

TIP! (light bulb)The citation format for coursework depends on the citation style used. Two of the most common citation styles are MLA and APA. Ask your instructor if you are unsure which citation style to use in coursework.

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Colorado Community Colleges Online
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