CCCOnline LogoCourse Snapshot for CSC105 - Computer Literacy

The information listed below is subject to change. Please review the course syllabus within your online course at the start of class.

Course Competencies

The competencies you will demonstrate in this course are as follows:

  1. Identify ways in which technology and computers impacts individuals and society.
  2. Compare and contrast PC hardware and software systems as an informed consumer.
  3. Use and define common technology terminology.
  4. Identify computer hardware components and briefly explain their function.
  5. Have a working knowledge of computer software/hardware installations and configurations.
  6. Use a computer operating system to manage files, folders and drives.
  7. Search the internet for personal, academic and business use.
  8. Use various communication tools for personal, academic and business purposes.
  9. Use writing, financial/statistical, presentation and data collecting/organization tools for academic research and communication.
Learning concepts for this course are enchanced using presentations, websites, and online discussions.

Module Outcomes Mapped to Competencies

Module 1 Learning Outcomes

Mapped to Course Competencies (above)
  • Identify categories of computers.
  • Identify basic components of a computer.
  • Measure memory and identify flow of information.
  • Identify relationships between computers.
  • Identify basic input/output components.
  • Identify specialized input/output devices.
  • Connect devices to a computer.
  • Identify criteria for selecting a personal computer.
  • Identify factors that affect computer performance.
  • Protect a computer from theft or physical damage.
  • Identify maintenance / issues.
  • Identify consumer rights and responsibilities.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Module 2 Learning Outcomes

Mapped to Course Competencies (above)

  • Start an application and identify common on-screen elements.
  • Open and save a file and close an application.
  • Navigate a document and insert, select, and edit text.
  • Use buttons and dialog boxes.
  • Check spelling and grammar.
  • Select and format text.
  • Copy, paste, cut, and move text.
  • Use galleries, contextual tabs, and the quick access toolbar.
  • Print documents.
  • Use Help.
  • Create a new document.
  • Create and modify a numbered or bulleted list.
  • Format, align, and indent text.
  • Create a title with WordArt.
  • Insert and modify clip art and pictures.
  • Insert and format tables.
  • Insert a header or footer in a document.
  • Create a document from a template.
  • Customize Word.
  • Import text from another document.
  • Create, apply, and modify styles.
  • Use language tools.
  • Create footnotes.
  • Prepare a document for printing.
  • Navigate a workbook, select cells, and enter text and data.
  • Adjust column widths.
  • Insert and delete rows and columns.
  • Format numbers and dates and align text.
  • Add emphasis, colors, shading, and borders.
  • Open, copy, insert, and delete worksheets.
  • Format, sort, and filter tables.
  • Document and print worksheets.
  • Use fill labels and worksheet functions.
  • Use the Payment function.
  • Use references to cells in other worksheets and relative cell references.
  • Calculate a percentage increase and decrease using absolute cell references.
  • Hide rows and columns.
  • Use the IF function and conditional formatting.
  • Print a large worksheet.
  • Create a presentation.
  • Add slides to a presentation and edit content.
  • Add graphic elements.
  • Apply a theme to a presentation.
  • Add information to the header and footer.
  • Add slide transitions and view a slide show.
  • Create speaker notes and handouts.
5, 8, 9

Module 3 Learning Outcomes

Mapped to Course Competencies (above)

  • Create faster, more reliable communication.
  • Networks of computers.
  • Identify the birth or the World Wide Web.
  • Connect to the Internet.
  • Financing and controlling the Internet.
  • Identify security and ethics issues.
  • Use a Web browser for information.
  • Information from a website.
  • How to create and host web pages.
  • Online banking and making payments.
  • Buying from businesses online.
  • Businesses buying from businesses online.
  • Consumers buying and selling to consumers online.
6, 7, 8

Course Time Commitment and Expectations

For every credit hour, students should plan to spend an average of 2-3 hours per week for course-related activities in a 15-week course. For example, a 3 credit hour course would average an average 6-9 hours per week to read/listen to the online content, participate in discussion forums, complete assignments, and study the course material. For 10  and 6-week courses, the amount of time per week will be higher so all course competencies, module outcomes, and assignments will be covered.

Aside from typical reading assignments, this course has the following (Please Note: This list is subject to change based on the discretion of the instructor facilitating this course.):



Discussion - 5 @ 12 points each (Units 1, 2, 3) 60
Quiz - 6 @ 20 points each (Units 1, 3) 120
Dropbox Assignment - 6 @ 20 points each (Unit 2) 120


CCCOnline Course Quality Commitment

CCCOnline goes to great lengths to assure the quality of your online learning experience. You can expect the following from our courses: