Academic Integrity

Colorado Community Colleges Online
Student Tutorial

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Oh No, Accident!

crashed car on wet roadWhile driving on a rainy afternoon, Chris swerved to avoid hitting road debris, slid, and collided with another vehicle! Emergency responders took him to a hospital where he was treated for minor injuries and kept for overnight observation. He had an assignment due that evening in his online course.

Which option should Chris have chosen to contact the instructor and maintain academic integrity?

Click the options below and consider the feedback.

Option 1: Have someone else log in to the course

Exclamation pointWhoa! Chris would violate academic integrity if someone else used his login to submit an assignment or even to send an email.

TIP! (light bulb)Someone else can contact CCCOnline Student Services, your instructor, or the CCCS Help Desk on your behalf. Consider creating a custom I.C.E. (In Case Of Emergency) card for your wallet or store one on your phone to instruct others, or remind you, who to call about course obligations in case you are unable to meet them!

Option 2: Call the instructor

This is an acceptable option. Or, someone else could contact the instructor on Chris' behalf. The instructor's contact information is listed in the course syllabus. Always write this information down to have it available in times of urgency when you cannot access a course.

TIP! (light bulb)Consider creating a custom I.C.E. (In Case Of Emergency) card for your wallet or store one on your phone to instruct others, or remind you, who to call about course obligations in case you are unable to meet them!

Option 3: Contact Student Services or the Help Desk

This is an acceptable option. Chris would be proactive if he or someone else contacted Student Services or the Help Desk to have the instructor notified of the situation. However, this is an option of last resort. It is preferred that you have the instructor's contact information available to you and others in cases of urgency.

TIP! (light bulb)Consider creating a custom I.C.E. (In Case Of Emergency) card for your wallet or store one on your phone to instruct others, or remind you, who to call about course obligations in case you are unable to meet them!

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Colorado Community Colleges Online
Created in collaboration with WCET